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Set in Stone? History repeating itself.

Im April war ich Teil der interdisziplinären Performance "Set in Stone? History repeating itself.", die im Rahmen des "Great Exhibitionists"-Festivals im Royal College of Music gezeigt wurde.

Set in Stone? is a collaboration between a composer, three musicians, five actors and a sound engineer.

Bringing together artists from all over Europe (Hungary, Ireland, Austria, Germany, Italy, Norway, Portugal and Spain) across cultures and practices, we will be investigating the aspects of history repeating itself over and over again.

Music, text fragments from Euripides’ play “The Trojan Women” and projected images will be used to tell the story of how wars affect people almost always meaning devastation and pain. Euripides’ play follows the story of the women of Troy that are left behind after the

war and their fate. The actors weave together this old Greek tragedy and their own stories and experiences.

How is the present situation different to what has happened in previous centuries and millenniums? Have we learned from history?

Mehr Infos zum Projekt und den Mitwirkenden gibt es hier.

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